Whether you’re showing up to your beloved’s parents’ home or trying to make an impression on a first date, say it with flowers. Here are four of our favorite Charlottesville florists that are truly bouquet masters.
Hedge Fine Blooms
A popular choice for wedding bouquet, Hedge is a no-brainer for one-off arrangements, too. The downtown shop is a feast for the eyes (and nose). Stop in to craft an extra special made-by-you bouquet (with the experts’ help).
Tourterelle Floral Design
With its romantic name (in French, tourterelle means dove, which represents love), this Ivy Road floral studio crafts appropriately charming arrangements for every season.
Fiori Floral
Procrastinators rejoice! Not only does Fiori Floral deliver on whimsical, seasonal bouquets—think robust peonies in spring, bright zinnias in autumn—but the Main Street shop also offers same-day delivery.
Don’s Florist & Gifts
Much like a dozen roses, family-run floral shop Don’s is a classic. It opened in 1985 and, since then, has been churning out reliable bouquets for every occasion, from anniversaries to birthdays.