Where to Shop
The shopping in Charlottesville is as unique as the city itself. You’ll find high-end clothing boutiques, stores for one-of-a-kind gifts and home goods, and gourmet groceries with local meats and cheeses. Start on the Downtown Mall, meander to the Corner and take a trip to Barracks Road Shopping Center. You’ll find just what you’re looking for, and probably a few things you never expected as well!

Alakazam Toys

Batesville Market
6624 Plank Rd, Batesville, VA 22924
(434) 823-2001
https://www.facebook.com/batesvillemarket/LEARN MORE

Be Just Cville
2415 Ivy Road Suite 120 Charlottesville, Va 22903
(434) 328-8884
https://www.bejustcville.comLEARN MORE

1700 Allied St, Charlottesville, VA 22903
(434) 295-5760
https://www.instagram.com/circacville/?hl=enLEARN MORE

Darling x Dashing
115 1st St S, Charlottesville, VA 22902
(434) 202-0664
https://www.shopdarlingxdashing.com/LEARN MORE

Greenwood Antiques & Uniques
7572 Greenwood Station Rd, Greenwood, VA 22943
(540) 456-4681
https://www.instagram.com/greenwoodantiquesLEARN MORE

High Tor Gear Exchange
1717-1A Allied St, Charlottesville, VA 22903
(434) 260-4026
https://www.hightorgearexchange.com/LEARN MORE

1037 Emmet St N, Charlottesville, VA 22903
(434) 979-0228
https://stores.madewell.com/us/va/charlottesville/1037-emmet-st.-nLEARN MORE

Michie Tavern
683 Thomas Jefferson Parkway Charlottesville, VA 22902
(434) 977-1234
https://www.michietavern.comLEARN MORE

The Barn Swallow
796 Gillums Ridge Road, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903
(434) 979-4884
https://www.thebarnswallow.com/LEARN MORE

The Botanique & Co
112 Second St, NE, Charlottesville, VA 22902
(434) 235-6110
https://www.thebotaniqueco.com/LEARN MORE

The Scrappy Elephant
1745 Allied St Suite C, Charlottesville, VA 22903
(434) 207-2106
http://www.scrappyelephant.com/LEARN MORE

Yoder's Country Market
2105 S. Seminole Tr., Madison, VA 22727
(540) 948-3000
https://www.yoderscountrymarket.net/LEARN MORE